We’re here for independent designers, and to ensuring that creativity isn’t just a phrase, but a practice. Financial support is merely the tip of the iceberg.
Our true prowess lies in tailored mentorships, arming designers with the insights to adeptly navigate the global stage. We promote a worldwide outlook through business mentoring and highlight the importance of giving back by major brands – the tools of the trade.
We’re not just about fostering talent; we’re about championing the vanguard of ‘Made in Italy’, those who aren’t just in the game but are changing its very rules.
Since 2017, our mission is to unfalteringly back the emerging talents of ‘Made in Italy’, turning creative ambition into tangible success.
Leading our way is Trustee Carlo Capasa, President of Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana.
Our Advisory Committee, chaired by Warly Tomei and Umberta Gnutti Beretta, doesn’t just advise – they set the direction for our multifaceted projects, comprised of industry professionals such as Paola Arosio (Head of Sustainability and New Brands, Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana), Sofia Barattieri Weinstein (Co-founder, Camera Moda Fashion Trust), Roberta Benaglia (CEO & Founding Partner, In Style Capital SGR), Constanza Cavalli Etro (Founder and Director, Fashion Film Festival Milano), Antonella Centra (Executive Vice President General Counsel, Corporate Affairs & Sustainability, Gucci), Tania Fares (Co-founder and Co-chair, BFC), Chiara Ferragni (CEO and President, TBS Crew & Chiara Ferragni Brand), Sara Sozzani Maino (Senior Advisory Board Member, Camera Moda Fashion Trust), Vania Miranda (Co-founder, Camera Moda Fashion Trust), Margherita Missoni (Founder and Creative Director, Maccapani), Laudomia Pucci (President, Emilio Pucci Heritage), and Beatrice Rossaro (Head of Public Relations, Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana).
Who translates strategies into actions? The Executive Committee, the beating heart that turns ideas into reality – thanks to the commitment of Umberta Gnutti Beretta (Co-founder, Camera Moda Fashion Trust), Sara Sozzani Maino (Senior Advisory Board Member, Camera Moda Fashion Trust), Vania Miranda (Co-founder, Camera Moda Fashion Trust), Beatrice Rossaro (Head of Public Relations, Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana), and Warly Tomei (Co-founder, Camera Moda Fashion Trust).
The coordination of activities is entrusted to Valeria Milanesi, while the creative direction of communications is by Paola Manfrin with art direction and copywriting by Sofia Sarandrea. The press office is Karla Otto.
Maria Giulia Prezioso Maramotti (Omnichannel Retail Director MAX&Co. & Max Mara Fashion Group Board Member), New Member of our CDA.


Ambassadors play a crucial role in the Camera Moda Fashion Trust. They are individuals and companies that align perfectly with our mission, contributing significantly both financially and through mentoring activities for our emerging based-in Italy designers.
Their support extends beyond just financial aid. The ambassadors are a vital part of a dynamic and influential network, crucial in providing emerging designers with the resources and opportunities they need to flourish.
Through their dedication, they significantly contribute to the success and growth of our talents, bolstering the value and uniqueness of Made in Italy on the global stage.